Quadrants of Fourth Wing

Healers Quadrant

Located at the southern end of the college, the Healers Quadrant is distinguished by its pale blue uniforms. A covered stone bridge spans the ravine, providing direct access to the Riders Quadrant's infirmary. Unlike other quadrants, healers possess no magical abilities. Instead, they rely on traditional tinctures, medical expertise, and surgeons for severe injuries. At Basgiath War College, healers and menders collaborate to treat injured students. Healer cadets participate in mind-body-health retreats during weekends. Excluded from the flight fields during Threshing, healers become essential after the event, treating injuries beyond the capabilities of field medics.

Infantry Quadrant

The Infantry Quadrant is the largest at Basgiath, housing over a thousand cadets at any given time. Its entrance is situated at the base of the northern turret, placing it at ground level. Given the nature of warfare, it takes an entire infantry company to compensate for the loss of a single rider.

Riders Quadrant

The Riders Quadrant is dedicated to training dragon-back warriors. It's the deadliest of the quadrants, with a staggering attrition rate; only a quarter of cadets graduate, and few riders reach retirement age. In fact, the years preceding the events of Fourth Wing saw a disturbing spike in rider fatalities. Fifteen percent of candidates perish on conscription day alone, attempting to cross the parapet. Despite these grim statistics, the allure of glory and prestige draws countless hopefuls to the quadrant. Riders occupy the pinnacle of the social and military hierarchy, with accelerated career progression. According to Violet, the only laws governing riders are those of the Codex. To ensure the continuation of powerful bloodlines, riders are permitted to marry early, especially given their shortened lifespans. They also enjoy higher pay. The Quadrant is divided into four wings, each containing three sections (flame, claw, or tail) and three squads. Wingleaders and Section Leaders, typically third-year students, hold the highest positions. Until bonding a dragon during Threshing, all students are cadets. First-year cadets occupy the back rows of their squad's formation. Those surviving Threshing without bonding have the opportunity to repeat their year. Riders and cadets can only possess weapons earned through qualification or taken from defeated opponents in challenges.

Scribe Quadrant

On Conscription Day, aspiring scribes must pass a written entrance exam to begin their training. A key component of this exam focuses on Navarre's history and its complex relationship with Poromiel, as scribes are the kingdom's future historians. The scribe's day begins around 5 AM. A cornerstone of the scribe's identity is emotional composure, seen as essential to their role. Displaying emotions like smiling or hugging is discouraged, as it is perceived to undermine their dedication. Scribes enjoy summer breaks during their three-year training period, allowing them to return home.