Species of Fourth Wing


Uses magic to mark the skin of their bonded rider. Little is known about dragon society and governance. A clear hierarchy exists among the most powerful, with deference shown to elders. Ultimately, a dragon answers only to the eldest of its den. The average dragon lifespan is around 200 years. Dragon life stages include hatchling, feathertail, a brief dreamless sleep transition, adolescent, and fully matured. Hatchlings eventually develop the ability to fly as feathertails. While it generally takes three to four years to reach full maturity, this process can be extended. Dragons are advised to delay bonding until fully grown. Professor Kaori estimates that one hundred years is considered middle age for dragons. Dragon scales are larger and thicker than a human hand, overlapping in intricate patterns that offer no grip for a rider. A serious risk is infection from objects lodged beneath these scales. Dragonkind exhibits a variety of colors and breeds, often resulting in unique combinations. Despite this diversity, all dragons share semi-translucent wings, rippling chest scales, razor-sharp talons, and a single fierce talon at the wing joint. According to Violet, their teeth are almost as large as she is.



Gryphons are majestic creatures, a fusion of eagle and lion. Standing seven feet tall with a two-foot beak, they possess dark beady eyes, lion-like back paws, and razor-sharp talons. Their tail mirrors that of a lion. A hard beak transitions into a feathered chest. Their fur is predominantly brown and white, with some individuals displaying silver on their wings. Gryphons don't tolerate altitude nearly as well as dragons, because they can't handle the thinner air.


Humans in the Empyrean Series are identical to humans in real life. They possess no innate magical abilities. However, those fortunate enough to form a bond with a dragon or gryphon can learn to channel magic known as Signets or Gryphon's Gifts. A select few humans, referred to as Venin, can draw magic directly from the Earth. Like their real-world counterparts, humans in this series share the same vulnerabilities. They are susceptible to fire, strangulation, fatal falls from great heights, and poison.


Most Navarrian citizens believe Venin to be mythical creatures, akin to Wyverns. Folklore speaks of three brothers: one bonded with dragons, another with gryphons, and a third consumed by envy who "drew magic directly from the source," losing his soul and waging war on his siblings. Channeling magic without a dragon or gryphon is believed to irrevocably corrupt the soul. Venin inhabit The Barrens, a desolate region drained of magic. Violet’s dream suggests some Venin are centuries old. It was thought that wards prevented Venin from drawing power from the source, explaining the six-hundred-year absence of Venin attacks in Navarre. However, Jack revealed that wards can be bypassed and do not completely block power. Venin can still channel from the ground, allowing them to survive and even control dragons. Contrary to belief, a Venin's life is not tied to their Wyvern's. Venin have distended red veins spidering all around bright red eyes.


Unlike dragons, wyverns are artificial creatures created by the venin to rival their dragon counterparts. Instead of channeling power from a wyvern, their riders channel power into them, imbuing the wyvern with a form of forced energy. Despite this, wyverns share some characteristics with dragons. Importantly, a wyvern's life is tied to its creator, perishing when the venin dies. Additionally, wyverns are unable to enter warded regions, meeting a fatal end if they attempt to do so. Distinguished from dragons by their lack of front legs, wyverns rely solely on their membranous wings for forward movement during landing. Equipped with two feet, a mane of razor-sharp feathers along their necks, and a venomous barbed tail, wyverns are larger than dragons. Their white to grey coloration provides effective camouflage in high-altitude clouds. Wyverns and their creators share a collective consciousness, enabling riderless wyverns to patrol and gather information without endangering their venin. A wyvern's fire color signifies its type: blue, green (characteristically faster), or cherry red.