
The Dragon Rider's Codex


A dragon without its rider is a tragedy. A rider without their dragon is dead.

Article One, Section One

Guide to the Riders Quadrant (Unauthorized Edition)

Major Afendra

There's a misconception that it's killed or be killed in the Riders Quadrant. Riders, as a whole, aren't out to assassinate other cadets... unless there's a shortage of dragons that year or a cadet is a liability to their wing. Then things may get... interesting.


Field Guide to Dragonkind

Colonel Kaori

Blue dragons descend from the extraordinary Gormfailaes line. Known for their formidable size, they are the most ruthless, especially in the case of the rare Blue Dagegrtail, whose knifelike spikes at the tip of their tail can disembowel an enemy with one flick.


Guide to the Riders Quadrant (Unauthorized Edition)

Major Afendra

The sparring ring is where riders are made or broken. After all, no respectable dragon would choose a rider who cannot defend themselves, and no respectable cadet would allow such a threat to the wing to continue training.


An official brief for King Tauri (on the Tyrrish Rebellion)

General Lilith Sorrengail

Knowing I am in direct disagreement with General Melgren's orders, I am officially objecting to the plan set forth in today's briefing. It is nog this general's opinion that the children of the rebellion's leaders should be forced to witness their parents' executions. No chil should watch their parent put to death.


Modern Guide for Healers

Major Frederick

It is my opinion that of all the signet powers riders provide, mending is the most precious, but we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent when in the company of such a signet. For menders are rare, and the wounded are not.


Basgiath War College Code of Conduct


In the best interest of preserving peace within Navarre, no more than three cadets carrying rebellion relics may be assigned to any squad or quadrant.

Addendum 5.2

Basgiath War College Code of Conduct


In addition to last year's changes, marked ones assembling in groups of three or more will now be considered an act of seditious conspiracy and is hereby a capital offense.

Addendum 5.3

Effective Uses of Wild and Cultivated Herbs

Captain Lawrence Medina

There is an art to poison not often discussed, and that is timing. Only a master can properly dose and administer for effective onset. One must take into account the mass of the individual as well as the method of delivery.


The Book of Brennan

Violet Sorrengail

I will not die today.

Personal addendum

The Book of Brennan

Brennan Sorrengail

Don't underestimate the challenge of the Gauntlet, Mira. It's designed to test your balance, strength, and agility. The times don't matter for shit, only that you make it to the top. Reach for the ropes when you have to. Coming in last is better than coming in dead.

Page forty-six

Guide to Appeasing the Gods, Second Edition

Major Rorilee

It is a great offense against Malek to keep the belongings of a dead loved one. They belong in the beyond with the god of death and the departed. In the absence of a proper temple, any fire will do. He who does not burn for Malek will be burned by Malek.


Field Guide to Dragonkind

Colonel Kaori

Presentation Day is unlike any other. The air is ripe with possibilities, and possibly the stench of sulfur from a dragon who has been offended. Never look a red in the eye. Never back down from a green. If you show trepidation to a brown... well, just don't.


Field Guide to Dragonkind

Colonel Kaori

There is nothing quite as humbling, or awe-inspiring, as witnessing Threshing... for those who live through it anyway.


Navarre, an Unedited History

Colonel Lewis Markham

In the six centuries of recorded history of dragon and rider, there have been hundreds of known cases where a dragon simply cannot emotionally recover from the loss of their bonded rider. This happens when the bond is particularly strong and, in three documented cases, has even caused the untimely death of the dragon.


The Book of Brennan

Brennan Sorrengail

Just because you sruvive Threshing doesn't mean you'll survive the ride to the flight field. Being chosen isn't the only test, and if you can't hold your seat, then you'll fly straight into the ground.

Page fifty

Field Guide to Dragonkind

Colonel Kaori

Though this officer considers himself to be an expert on all matters dragonkind, there is a great deal we don't know about the way dragons govern themselves. There is clear hierarchy among the most powerful, and deference is paid to elders, but I have not been able to discern how it is they make laws for themselves or at what point a dragon decided to bond only one rider, rather than go for better odds with two.


Guide to the Riders Quadrant (Unauthorized Edition)

Major Afendra

It is therefore only natural that the more powerful the dragon, the more powerful the signet its rider manifests. One should beware of a strong rider who bonds a smaller dragon, but even warier of the unbonded cadet, who will stop at nothing the seize a chance to bond.


Guide to Excelling in the Scribe Quadrant

Colonel Daxton

There is nothing more sacred than the Archives. Even temples can be rebuilt, but books cannot be rewritten.


Navarre, an Unedited History

Colonel Lewis Markham

In response to the Great War, dragons claimed the western lands and gryphons the central ones, abandoning the Barrens and the memory of General Daramor, who nearly destroyed the Continent with his army. Our allies sailed home and we began a period of peace and prosperity as the provinces of Navarre united for the first time behind the safety of our wards, under the protection of the first bonded riders.


My Time as a Cadet: A Memoir

General Augustine Melgren

Accusing a wingleader of wrongdoing is the most dangerous of all accusations. If you're right, then we've failed as a quadrant to select the best wingleaders. If you're wrong, you're dead.


The Book of Brennan

Brennan Sorrengail

Don't freak out if you can't immediately channel your dragon's powers, Mira. Yeah, I know you have to be the best at everything, but this isn't something you can control. They'll channel when they feel you're ready. And once they do, you'd better be ready to manifest a signet. Until then, you're not ready. Don't push it.

Page sixty-one

The Book of Brennan

Brennan Sorrengail

The first rush of power is unmistakable. The first time it forms to you, surrounds you with a seemingly endless supply of energy, you'll be addicted to the high, to the possibilities of all you can do with it, to the control you hold in the palm of your hand. But here's the thing, that power can quickly turn and control you.

Page sixty-four

Guide to the Riders Quadrant (Unauthorized Edition)

Major Afendra

The most worrisome sight for any instructor is most definitely when powers backfire. We lost nine cadets my first year to signets that could not be controlled from their first manifestation. Pity.


The Book of Brennan

Brennan Sorrengail

I know you don't want to hear this, but sometimes you have to know when to take the death blow, Mira. It's why you have to be sure that Violet enters the Scribe Quadrant. She'll never be able to take a life.

Page seventy

The Book of Brennan

Brennan Sorrengail

The Squad Battle is more important than the wingleaders will let on. They like to joke that it's a game, that it's just bragging rights for the squad leaders and the winning squad, but it's not. They're all watching. The commandant, the professors, the commanding officers, they're watching to see who will rise to the top. They're salivating to see who will fall.

Page seventy-seven

Field Guide to Dragonkind

Colonel Kaori

There is no stronger bond than that between two mated dragons. It goes beyond the depth of human love or adoration to a primal, undeniable requirement for proximity. One cannot survive without the other.


Recommendation for Award from Major Potsdam to General Sorrengail


For valor above and beyond the call of duty in the battle of Strythmore, where her bravery resulted not only in the destruction of a battery behond enemy lines but also saved the lives of an entire company of infantry, I recommend Mira Sorrengail receive the Star of Navarre. But if the criterion is not met, which I assure you it has been, downgrading to the Order of the Talon would be a shame, but sufficient.


The Book of Brennan

Brennan Sorrengail

Winning the War Games isn't about strength. It's about cunning. To know how to strike, you have to understand where your enemies - your friends - are most vulnerable. No one stays friends forever, Mira. Eventually those closest to us become our enemies in some way, even if it's through well-intentioned love or apathy, of is we live long enough to become their villains.

Page eighty

Guide to the Riders Quadrant (Unauthorized Edition)

Major Afendra

The death of a cadet is an inevitable yet acceptable tragedy. This process thins the herd, leaving only the strongest riders, and as long as the cause of death does not break the Codex, any rider involved in extinguishing another's life shall not be punished.


The Dragon Rider's Codex


Though not forbidden, cadets are strongly encouraged not to develop strong romantic attachments while studying in the quadrant for the efficiency of the unit.

Article 5, section 7

Royal Proclamation

King Tauri the Wise

July first, the anniversary of the Battle of Aretia, is hereby proclaimed REunification Day and will be celebrated throughout Navarre on this date every year to honor the lives lost during the war to save our kingdom from separatists and those saved by the Treaty of Aretia.


The Treaty of Aretia


As for the 107 innocents, the children of the executed officers, they now carry what shall be known as the rebellion relic, transferred by the dragon who carried out the king's justice. And to show the mercy of our great king, they will all be conscripted into the prestigious Riders Quadrant at Basgiath, so they may prove their loyalty to our kingdom with their service or with their death.

Addendum 4.2

Guide to the Riders Quadrant (Unauthorized Edition)

Major Afendra

The inability to control a powerful signet is just as dangerous to a rider - and everyone in their vicinity - as never manifesting one.


Navarre, an Unedited History

Colonel Lewis Markham

The first known gryphon attack occurred in 1 AU (After Unification) near what is now the trading post of Resson. At the edge of the dragon-protected border, the post has always been vulnerable to attack and, over the course of the past six centuries, has changed hands no less than eleven times in what has become a never-ending war to secure our borders from our power-hungry enemies.


Navarre, an Unedited History

Colonel Lewis Markham

In last days of interrogation, Fen Riorson lost touch with reality, railing against the kingdom of Navarre. He accused King Tauri, and all who came before him, of a conspiracy so vast, so unspeakable, that it does not bear repeating by this historian. The execution was swift and merciful for a madman who cost untold lives.


The Fables of the Barren


For there, in the land beyond the shadows, were monsters that dwelled in the night and dined on the souls of children who wandered too close to the woods.

The Wyvern's Cry

The Fables of the Barren


But is was the third brother, who commanded the sky to surrender its greatest power, who finally vanquished his jealous sibling at a great and terrible price.

The Origin

Modern Guide for Healers

Major Frederick

In the event that you come across a poison you do not recognize, it is best to treat with any and every antidote. Either way, the patient will die, but at least this way you would have learned something.


The last words of Fen Riorson (Redacted)

Fen Riorson

You're all cowards.
